Eco Capsules and Futuro Houses

Everyone is sharing this new hi-tech craze about the eco-capsule, developed by a group of engineers and designers from Slovakia. Fair enough, this thing looks pretty neat and cosy, I imagine one would feel like a chicken in the egg inside one of those. The eco capsule is a wet dream of any modern solar-and-wind-powered…

Photoessay: innumerable reasons to visit Pakistan

After the blog about travelling on a third world passport I got a lot of interesting feedback from people who try exploring the world on passports from Iran, Pakistan, and African countries. One of the most discouraging stories came from my good friend whom I met in Islamabad. It is bad enough to have a…

Gathering Sounds: Music Findings from Around the World

Every country has their amazing (more or less) music scene, influenced both by traditional melodies and international trends. Also, there is a lot of music bands that do not perform in English (the language we all understand), but still sound fabulous, however little you understand from the lyrics. Let me share with you some great…

Let’s Talk About Nepal

Earthquake is something we can possibly predict but can hardly avoid. It is a force of omnipotent nature, and there is nothing we can possibly put against it but prayers to some ancient gods. But it is in our power to deal with the aftermath of this tragedy, and the consequences of a natural disaster will echo though the country for many years to come.

Wanderings of Coffee Junkie and Tea Enthusiast Around the World

If you ask me whether I am a tea person or a coffee person, I will hesitate to answer. Mild obsession with both teas and coffees comes over me in interchanging waves, and if this month I may be making coffee every couple of hours and maniacally insisting that you drink it with me, then…

Art Lessons From the Land of a Thousand Hills

What’s bizarre, peculiar and fantastic about East African art, is the way traditional motifs are intertwined with absolutely modernist approach, folkloric patterns are sewn into the fabric of surrealism and imagination of the artists, and many installation are created with the recycled materials. All this is even more surprising if you consider that almost none of the members of the art community ever attended a formal art school – simply because those are non-existent in Kigali.

Back to the Roots – Inside the Sweden’s Tree Hotel

Britta Lindvall recalls her first childhood memory – she is crossing a small river, walking through the forest, along with her siblings and their friends. They stumble upon a tree house, high up among the branches, and it seems even higher from the little girl’s point of view. ‘I remember everything from that particular moment:…

Don’t Panic: European Hitchhiking Trends of Our Days

The Heart of Gold’s Improbability Drive made it the most powerful and unpredictable ship in existence. There was nothing it couldn’t do, provided you knew exactly how improbable it was that the thing you wanted it to do would ever happen… ’The daaaaay is beauuuuutiful!’ he yelled into my face as soon as I scrambled…

1 Place to Visit Before You Die (or Reach Nirvana)

You will find one bazillion articles telling you about ‘X places to visit before you die’. I’ll tell you a secret: places do not matter. Obviously, one place can cause completely opposite feelings on your first, second and hundredth visit. I hated Manila for the first 10 visits. Still hating it. Berlin made me ‘meh’…